Over the years, WAWO has had a hard time to account for its income and expenses in a way that satisfies the various countries where we are active. This is not to say that we have not done the accounting, on the contrary, but that reporting in the formats required by various authorities was a problem for us–mainly because we have a very small income and rely on volunteers to do this.
We still cannot justify having an accountant on payroll. However, the new Board of 2020 resolved to contract with a cloud based management system made specifically for churches and non-profits. We will be able to import our membership roll and historical books (now in Excel format) to get the system into the 21st century. We are very excited about this because transparency and proper reporting has always been very important to us.
We hope to get help from devotees who know about fund accounting to help us streamline the new online, cloud-based system.
Our income is still in the area of only about $60k a year, and we do so very much with that because everyone donates time and expertise. As you know we have been very active in Cambodia with training, counselling services, retreats and installing water and latrines for impoverish people in small villages. We have been working hard on the many courses, books and video materials over the years and now is the time for us to go big. We have been training in India, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, the USA, Canada, Mexico, and we have people helping in Ireland, the UK, New Zealand, Australia and in South Africa. It is time now to let all the work we did over the past 10 years come to fruition.
Our CEO, still, earns less than $20k a year and generates more than that in donations from services rendered. However, we have been working for many years to create infrastructure and train hundreds of people, monks and devotees. We expect to see the years 2021-2022 capitalize on the many years of investment by so many people. We believe that we will be earning 5X and 10X our present income in the coming two years, and we want to be ready to be open and transparent and visibly accountable.
Contact me directly if you can help. Thank you.
Acharya Jean